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A Gray Day [Gratitude Project 2023: day thirty]

Day thirty brings us a hurricane and temperatures that are twenty degrees cooler than they have been in at least a month. I'm grateful that the hurricane is only bringing rain, and I'm also grateful for the lower temperatures. I suppose that could be it, that could be the post. But gray days tend to send me deep into the world of...imaginating, so why not write a little more.

I'm grateful for the introspection and fantastical thoughts that come along with gray days. There's a line in a Mayday Parade song that says, "'Cause baby, I'm a dreamer for sure," and it's always been a favorite. When I was eighteen, my best friend at the time and I discussed getting Mayday Parade lyrics tattooed on us (like the typical basic emo bitches we were/are) and that was the one I was going to go with. Well either that, or, "Save your heart for someone who leaves you breathless,"...but that was the teenager in me. Glad I skipped that one. Regardless, the line about the dreamer still rings true (and hey, maybe I'll still get it tattooed).

While some people label "imaginating" as a negative trait, I've found it's where some of the best stories come from. It's where the next chapter of my book came from today, which I'm grateful for. I had hit a bit of a slump, so the little recharge was nice. So whether it's seen as a healthy trait or not, I am grateful for my imaginating, and all of the stories it brings with it. I'm grateful for the art it helps me create, the stories it helps me write, the daydreams it helps me live, and the fact that it doesn't detract from real life (so I don't think it's a disorder). I'm grateful for the desire to live a "vividly decorated temporary life" as Elizabeth Gilbert writes in "Big Magic", and that desire comes from my imagination. Some of the world's most beautiful creations come from the biggest imaginators, and I'm grateful I get to be inspired by those people as well.

....I'm also grateful I didn't get that Save your heart for someone who leaves you breathless tattoo.

Don't save your heart. Let it leap and jump and race and burn. Fall in love and fall out of love. Love yourself. Love your life. Love your adventures. Fall in love again. Don't save it. Don't wait. Don't save your heart.


(The dreamer song is "I Swear This Time I Mean It" by Mayday Parade, for anyone wondering)



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